Phase 2 Separation
On Wednesday March 13, at the Homeowners meeting we discussed the building of the second phase and our options on whether to become 1 or 2 associations. Lisa, our attorney was there and answered all asked questions. As discussed we need to obtain 80 notarized signatures to maintain an independent homeowners association from Phase 2 per State Law. If you have any questions please feel free to ask any of the board members. In general, the board is recommending two separate associations. As two separate associations, Phase 2 would have an easement to use the entrance gate but would not would not have access to our facilities, mainly the clubhouse, pool and trash compactor. In exchange for the easement, the developers have agreed to widen the gate entrance area to 2 inbound and 1 outbound lanes (the gate house will have to be removed), redo the entrance sign and the entrance area landscaping and adding speed bumps and stop signs around the pool/condo area. They will also be contributing to the annual maintenance for all expenses associated with the entrance gate and hill maintenance. If we do not obtain the 80 notarized signatures we will be come one association with the 2nd Phase. As there will be 166 units built, our 100 unit original plan will not be in the majority of the homeowners and they will have full rights to our board, our facilities, our reserve funds and be able to hold the majority owners vote on all changes and activities at the VOSH.
We have until May 20th to accumulate all of the signatures. If you are interested in signing, please print out page 7 of the Agreement of Sale document and sign and have notarized. Your bank branch location will have a notary that you can use for free or we have 2 notaries on the property who have offered to help. Please let the board know how we can help you. We are available at
81 of 80 Signed Votes Received as of 5/24/2019
Thank you for everyone’s help with this!!! We are no just waiting on confirmation of legal recording!